Friday, May 17, 2019

Are You Faking It ? Depression.

Assalamualaikum..perlu diakui sejak kebelakangan ini , banyak 'depression' dibualkan di rata-rata socmed . What else, its only real when its real . agak keterlaluan kah jika aku katakan agak melampau segelintir pihak yang 'mengayam-ayamkan' isu 'depression' nih . 

Dalam segala kerendahan hati dan buah fikiranku , aku berfikiran yang netizen tak perlu kot mendesak sesuatu pihak yang claim diri dia sebagai penghidap depresi untuk membuat sebarang kenyataan untuk kesahihan penyakit tu . Pihak yang menghidap pula , tak perlu mengeluarkan kenyataan yang diri sendiri pun belum sahih .Aku tak suka bila ada netizen beranggapan penyakit depresi ni sejenis penyakit 'mengada' saja . I swear you aint know what the hell you're talking about .

im serious when it comes to serious things . there is no laughing things when we talk about someone else mental health condition . we dont claimed oursleves as depression sufferers just to make things fun or in order to seek for public attentions purposes ,ah for Gods sake! hell no. and yeah , kerana susu setitik rosak susu sebelanga .

Yeah im feeling super comfort with long sleeves -.- but wait , no such suicide notes things..err. im not planning to go any deeper in this personal experience of mine actually..but yeah im still struggling..with this battle all alone ,alone?without any family members consent. haha. just to be sure , my mental health now getting better . i can say that when doc agreed as i asking her if that is ok for me to stop taking medicines , and start alternative way to cure this dark feelings\thoughts . As you can predict , the alternative way is moral support .jengjengjeng..someone who can offer me nonstop positive vibes , where to find ? is there anybody guess..

1 comment:

  1. this post hit me hard. i'm still gathering my courage here. i talked to my parent for the first time about how i've been feeling about myself for the past years until today. thought i would talk to them about making appointment with a doctor too but i didn't made it. semester is already ended. and now all i'm thinking about either to meet a doctor or not, without my parents consent. somehow i keep wondering, could i maybe just looking for unnecessary attention?
